This is a graphic of a older woman with two kids looking at a iPad and it is talking about going online for health advice through Health 811 Ontario.
This is a red graphic that says, "If you are in need of serious medical attention call 911 or go to your nearest Emergency Department."

Accessing Emergency service

For every emergency visit, please bring your health card. It is also helpful to bring a list of prescribed medications.


Woodstock Hospital’s Emergency Department (ED) puts our patients first, while striving for continuous improvements toward providing the best possible emergency care to all age groups. Our 10,000 square foot, 29 room modern ED utilizes advanced technology to help deliver and monitor care provided.  Our goal is to deliver efficient and high quality care by reducing wait times which helps to increase capacity. Click here to see how Woodstock Hospital compares to other Ontario hospitals in terms of how long patients are spending in our ED on average. Our ED team consist of emergency trained physicians, nurses, clerks, and other allied health professions including pharmacy technicians, radiology technicians and specialty trained crisis nurses.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What can I expect on arrival to the ED?

    1. REGISTRATION  Stop at the registration desk. The registration clerk will need your health card or travel insurance information, family doctor’s name and emergency contact information. If the injury occurred at work, the clerk will require your employer’s name, address and date of injury. The clerk will also ask for any allergies. The clerk will then apply a wristband with personal information.
    2. TRIAGE  Triage Assessment will be completed by a specialty trained Registered Nurse. The triage nurse will assess how quickly you need treatment and in which area your care will be given. You will be asked questions about what brought you to the Emergency Department and about your general health. The nurse will also ask a number of screening questions with this assessment. Your pulse, blood pressure, temperature and breathing will be measured and notes will be made of any allergies or current medications being taken.
    3. TESTS   The triage nurse may order lab work, x-rays, ECGs and dispense medications if the patient meets the criteria.
    4. WAITING ROOM After triage, you may be brought directly into the main ED, or into a separate room for lab or x-rays, or redirected back to the main waiting room to wait. One visitor or support person is allowed to remain with the patient.
    5. Please report any change in condition while you are waiting. A nurse may also reassess you during your wait.
  • What Should I bring with me?

    When coming to the ED, please bring:

    1. Your Health Card or travel insurance
    2. Emergency Contact Information
    3. A list of all your prescribed medications including any supplements or herbal remedies
    4. Any medical history documents that may be related to your visit
  • What is the Wait Time in the ED?

    • The sickest patients are always seen first. Patients are assessed during triage based on medical need. All hospitals in Canada use the same tool to identify and prioritized patients based on five triage levels ranging from critical to non-urgent.
    • We recently have been experiencing higher than average wait times especially on evening and nights. This fluctuates depending on a number of factors including volumes of patients, patient acuity, and available resources and staffing within our physician and nursing group. Everyone who registers will be seen by a Registered Nurse and triaged. Patients will be seen by a trained ED Physician related to their medical needs and prioritizes according to standardized guidelines. Patients may not be seen by arrival time.
    • If you are not having an emergency, please consider other options including contacting your family physician, specialist, walk in clinic or Health Connect Ontario.

    We appreciate your patience as we work toward providing safe care to our community.

  • Items NOT allowed into the Hospital

    Patient, visitor and staff safety is our first priority. WH does not allow knives, guns, firearms, fire hazards, WH does not allow knives, guns, firearms, fire hazards, no illegal drugs, no alcohol.  Patients that arrive with these items will be asked to have them locked in a secure location until discharge.

  • Treatment of my Condition

    Treatment is administered based on how severe your symptoms are when you are seen by the triage nurse. In the treatment area, a primary nurse will assess your condition and be responsible for your care while you are in the Emergency Department. This may include cardiac monitoring, additional tests, crisis nursing assessment, treatment for medical condition including medications or interventions and consults with other members of the health care team.

  • What happens when I go home?

    You are an important part of your emergency experience and we encourage you to ask questions to clarify information prior to discharge. Be sure to have a support person with you if you may not be able to understand or communicate on your own.

    • Ask questions so you understand follow-up appointment/test information.
    • Understand the discharge instructions prior to leaving
    • Clarify changes to any medications or new medications you have been prescribed.
    • You may be asked to return if your condition worsens.  This does not mean nothing was wrong, it simply means the full nature of your illness may not yet be determined and may require another visit to the ED.
    • You may be asked to follow-up with your family physician after your ED visit. Please do so.
  • How can I provide feedback about my visit?

    Your compliments, concerns and suggestions are an important part of providing the best care for our patients and their families.  All concerns are kept confidential. ( link )

  • What are some alternatives to the ED in our community?

    • Contact your family doctor, nurse practitioner or primary care provider
    • Health Connect Ontario
    • Book a virtual appointment with Urgent Care Ontario. Your health card is required for booking
    • Local walk in clinic are listed on the link at the top of this page
  • Strategies that Woodstock Hospital have implanted to improve ED wait times

    • We have created a FLIP (Front Line Improving Performance) which helps front line staff find improvements in their own workflows and provide education on Lean Methodology.
    • Our IT Department has created real time data tools to show staff their performance metrics while they are working.
    • Worked with our Inpatient Units to streamline getting our admitted patients to their inpatient bed in 1.5 hrs or less.
    • Added pharmacy technicians and crisis workers to assist with assessing our patients.
    • Added more physicians and staggered their start times to meet peak demands of arriving patients.
    • Added more nursing hours to work with those physicians.
    • Expanded our Fast Track area until 11:30 pm to treat patients presenting with minor conditions.
  • How can I register for a family doctor or nurse practitioner?

    Register with Health Care Connect, which refers people without a family health care provider to those accepting new patients in their community. Call 1-800-445-1822 or register online.

Pediatric Care Information and Resources

Brantford Children’s Urgent Walk-In Clinic

225 Fairview Drive,
North Plaza
Brantford ON
For hours:
Home | Brantford Childrens Walk-In Clinic (
Call: (519)304-5460

Children After-Hours Clinic

*** Appointments Only ***

1653 Richmond St N
London, ON
Appointment Booking:
Children’s After-Hours Clinic –
Call: 519-850-3800

LHSC Virtual Emergency Clinic

Virtual Resources for Children
 Urgent Care Ontario

Call: 519-685-8735

SickKids - Virtual Urgent Care

Virtual Resources for Children
Virtual Urgent Care |SickKids

Elder Care Information

Ontario Health at Home

This is a photo of a couple of seniors as well as someone that is wearing a headset and looks like she is taking a call. The text reads, "Friendly callers - Senior Support Program."

Friendly Callers provides weekly check-ins, supportive listening and assists with access to community and social supports for older adults in communities across Middlesex, Elgin and Oxford Counties.
Call: 519-434-9191 ext. 2223
visit: Friendly Callers – CMHA Thames Valley | Addiction and Mental Health Services (

This is a logo for the Ontario Caregiver Organization that is multicoloured with purple font.

Helpline – Ontario Caregiver Organization Ontario Caregiver Helpline – Ontario Caregiver Organization A lot has changed since we published last year’s Spotlight Report. Most Ontarians are vaccinated, Covid-19 restrictions have eased, and many programs and services have re-opened. What hasn’t changed is the impact caregiving is having on caregivers. There are far too many Ontarians struggling to cope physically and emotionally. Our health care system is in crisis. There are fewer nurses and personal support workers adding more pressure on caregivers to deliver care that would otherwise fall to a health care professional. While 66% of caregivers are fairly new to the role (less than 3 years), many find themselves on the brink of collapse, feeling helpless and burnt out. In fact, 63% of caregivers say they reached their breaking point over the past year but still had to keep going. Visit Ontario Caregiver Helpline for support Unpaid caregivers are increasingly in need of support and care; it is crucial to shed light on their needs and the needs of the patients they look after.

This is a picture of a woman standing with two seniors, one of which is in a wheelchair.

DELIRIUM, DEMENTIA AND DEPRESSION: What is the difference? (Elder Care)
Many older adults are affected by delirium, dementia and/or depression. These conditions are not part of normal aging. Delirium, dementia and depression are different from one another, but it can be hard to distinguish between them because their signs and symptoms may be alike. Sometimes a person has more than one of these conditions at the same time. Alert health-care staff if you or someone you know shows any of these signs or symptoms.

This is the Alzheimer Society Southwest Partners logo that is blue and purple.

The Alzheimer Society Southwest Partners is the local community agency dedicated to supporting individuals living with dementia and their care partners. We are part of a network of Alzheimer Societies operating across Ontario offering a variety of services in our region.

We support people living with dementia, care partners and allied health care professionals within our geographic area, including the counties of:

  • Elgin
  • Middlesex
  • Oxford

We focus our programs and services around three pillars of care including:

  • Dementia education
  • Counselling and support services
  • Therapeutic recreation, health and wellness activities

We employ a team of highly skilled professionals, including registered social workers, to ensure our programs and services meet and exceed the needs of our clients. Our team of over 350 dedicated volunteers help to run our education, recreation and support programs and services.
Who we serve
We provide programs and services for individuals, families, care partners living with a variety of memory concerns. From pre-diagnosis and mild cognitive impairment (MCI), to those living with a dementia diagnosis (Alzheimer’s disease, Frontotemporal dementia, Lewy body dementia, vascular dementia and others), we are here to help.
Visit our website   Alzheimer Society Southwest Partners (

Behavioural Supports Ontario logo

Behaviour Supports Ontario (BSO): BSO is a program designed to support older persons (primarily 65+ year old) living in the community with cognitive impairments due to mental health issues, addictions, dementia and other neurological conditions that can often cause responsive behaviours. Responsive behaviours may include aggression, wandering, physical aggression and at times wandering without specific purpose, most often related to the older person’s condition of cognitive decline.

Urgent Care Information

Walk-In Clinics

Trusty Care Walk-In Clinic

925 Dundas St, Unit 2
Woodstock, ON
Call: 519-537-2992
Walk-in Clinics | ON | Skip the Waiting Room

Northwood Medical Centre Walk-In Clinic

35 Springbank Ave
Woodstock, ON
Northwood Medical Centre Walk-In Clinic –

Call: (519) 537-6147

Delhi Community Health Centre - Walk-In Clinic

105 Main St
Delhi, ON
Public Walk-In Clinic – Delhi Community Health Centre (
Call: 226-549-4004 ext 236

Urgent Care Clinics

Tillsonburg Medical Centre - Urgent Care Clinic

200 Broadway St, Unit 13
Tillsonburg, ON
Tillsonburg Medical Centre -Urgent Care Clinic
Call: 519-842-4231

St. Joseph’s Hospital - Urgent Care Centre

268 Grosvenor St, B0-504
London, ON
St Joseph’s Health Care London – St Joseph’s Hospital- Urgent Care Centre –
Call: 519-646-6100 ext 67020

Willett Urgent Care Centre

238 Grand River St. North
Paris, ON
The Willett Urgent Care Centre – BCHS (
Call: 519-442-2251

Virtual Care Options

***  There may be a charge as not all virtual services are covered by OHIP. ***

Virtual Urgent Care Clinic

Urgent Care Ontario

Monday – Friday

Grey Bruce Health Services - Virtual Urgent Care Clinic

Virtual Urgent Care -Grey Bruce Health Services
Monday – Saturday

Cover Health - Virtual WalkIn Clinic

Cover Health – Doctors Online + Prescription Delivery

Monday – Saturday,

Telemed – Virtual Walk-In Clinic

Telemed MD – See a Doctor, Wherever You Are.

Monday – Friday

Rocket Doctor: Online Doctors in Canada

Mental Health Care Information

This is a purple logo that reads, "Reach Out," mental health addictions crisis services.

Reach Out is a confidential 24/7 information, support and crisis service for people living with mental health or addictions concerns in Elgin, Oxford, Middlesex and London. Home – Reach Out 24/7 (

This is a graphic for Oxford County Talk in Counselling Services. In bight green font it says, "We can Help." There is no referral necessary but pre-booked appointments are required. The graphic looks like a door opening.

Talk-In Counselling is a drop-in program designed to support residents of Oxford County or patients affiliated with an Oxford County physician, who are experiencing mental health issues or concerns.

This is the logo for the Canadian Mental Health Association Thames Valley Addiction and Mental Health Services. It has a turquoise and light green logo that looks like a person raising their arms up.

CMHA Thames Valley Addiction and Mental Health Services is an integrated mental health and addiction agency providing community-based supports and services to individuals aged 12 and up across Elgin, Middlesex, and Oxford Counties.
Thames Valley Homepage – CMHA Thames Valley | Addiction and Mental Health Services (

This is a turquoise graphic that says, "RAAM. The Oxford County Community Health Centre has a Rapid Access Addiction Medicine (RAAM) Clinic."

The RAAM clinic is an easy to access walk-in clinic that people can visit to get help for substance use without an appointment or formal referral.
Oxford County RAAM – Oxford County Rapid Access Addiction Medications (

This graphic shows a phone that says, "24-7" on it. It also reads, "Support Line" and includes the phone numbers 519-601-8055 or 1-844-360-8055.

Support Line provides confidential listening and support to individuals 16+ any time of day or night.  Whether you are anxious, depressed, lonely, overwhelmed or just need to talk something through with someone, you will find a supportive and caring person at our end of the line.

This is the circle logo for Woodstock Hospital. It is a "W" that looks like a pulse and is the hospital's official colours burgundy and turquoise.

Woodstock Hospital Outpatient Mental Health Services Talk – in Clinic
Talk-In Counselling is a drop-in program designed to support residents of Oxford County or patients affiliated with an Oxford County physician, who are experiencing mental health issues or concerns.  A single session therapy approach addresses the immediate problem that is identified by the person seeking support. This program is offered through a collaborative partnership with other community agencies.
This service is also available to children and their families.
Mental Health – Woodstock Hospital
The Talk-In Counselling Clinic at Woodstock Hospital is available on Thursdays from noon-7:00 pm (Registration ends at 6:00 pm).

This is the circle logo for Woodstock Hospital. It is a "W" that looks like a pulse and is the hospital's official colours burgundy and turquoise.

Suicide Crisis Helpline
A safe space to talk 24/7.
Dial 988 or

Pediatric Mental Health Care Information

This is a graphic or logo that says. "One Top Talk" and it is purple and blue.

One Stop Talk
offers children, youth (within 18 years of age) and their families immediate access to free mental health support. The program provides single session counselling support and ensures direct referral to additional service when needed. Services are provided through an integrated network of infant, child and youth mental health agencies across Ontario
Call: 1-855-416-8255 or  1-855-416-TALK

This is a logo for Wellkin Child and Youth Mental Wellness and the font is black with a colourful "W."

WellKin-Child & Youth Mental Wellness
provides confidential, Quick Access Therapy Services (QATS) to infants, children, youth and their families, at no cost.
Call: 1-877-539-0463
visit: Quick Access Therapy Services – Wellkin Home

This is a logo for Tan Dem and it is green. It reads, "One number for immediate child and youth mental health support."

(formerly The Crisis and Intake Team – CIT) is a 24/7 Crisis Support
Services and Intake team for children under 18 years old.
Call: 519-433-0334
or visit:

This is a blue logo and it reads, "Kids Help Phone."

Kid Help Phone
provides online and telephone counselling and volunteer-led, text-based support in English and French to youth across Canada. Kids Help Phone also provides information on how to access community support services for youth.
Call: 1-800-668-6868 or Text: 686868
or visit:Get support with these mental health resources – Kids Help Phone


This is the circle logo for Woodstock Hospital. It is a "W" that looks like a pulse and is the hospital's official colours burgundy and turquoise.

Woodstock Hospital Outpatient Mental Health Services Talk – in Clinic
Talk-In Counselling is a drop-in program designed to support residents of Oxford County or patients affiliated with an Oxford County physician, who are experiencing mental health issues or concerns.  A single session therapy approach addresses the immediate problem that is identified by the person seeking support. This program is offered through a collaborative partnership with other community agencies.
This service is also available to children and their families.
Mental Health – Woodstock Hospital
The Talk-In Counselling Clinic at Woodstock Hospital is available on Thursdays from noon-7:00 pm (Registration ends at 6:00 pm).

This is the circle logo for Woodstock Hospital. It is a "W" that looks like a pulse and is the hospital's official colours burgundy and turquoise.

Pediatric Outpatient Mental Health Services Psychiatric care is available to children, youth and adults who may require an assessment for diagnostic and/or treatment recommendations.  All referrals to outpatient psychiatry require a physician’s referral. The referral form is available on the Mental Health – Woodstock Hospital

This is the circle logo for Woodstock Hospital. It is a "W" that looks like a pulse and is the hospital's official colours burgundy and turquoise.

First Five A program for children aged 0-5 years old who do not have current access to primary care. To register, call 519-539-1111 or visit Clinics held in Ingersoll, Tillsonburg, and Woodstock. The program is here to assist families and their children with:

  • The regular schedule of Well Baby Checks
  • Maintaining their child’s vaccination schedule
  • Developmental screening for physical and mental health
  • Resource navigation
  • Dietary support

They do NOT provide acute care to acute illnesses (i.e ear infections, coughs, colds, vomiting etc.), care for children 6 years or older, or pregnancy care. Health Services for People Without a Family Doctor or Nurse Practitioner

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