519-421-4233 ext. 2174
The Outpatient Clinic is located on the main level of the hospital, past the Patient Registration area.
519-421-4233 ext. 2174
The Outpatient Clinic is located on the main level of the hospital, past the Patient Registration area.
Accessing this Service:
The Outpatient Clinic (OPC) hours are Monday to Friday 7am- 5pm. In order to access this service, a referral is needed from a physician with hospital privileges or from an Emergency physician. All OPC visits are by appointment only and must be booked Woodstock Hospital Central Bookings by your physician/ office. On arrival, please report to Patient Registration with your health card and written referral ( if have one). You will be registered and directed to a waiting area until called in for your procedure /exam.
The OPC at Woodstock Hospital provides a variety of services such as Orthopedic, Urology, general Medical/Surgical, Opthamology, Gynecology, pain control, and Transfusion services. This clinic is staffed by Registered Practical Nurses