Patient and Visitor Guidelines

aerial view of woodstock hospital

Hospital Visiting Hours:
Measles activity in the region may lead to changes in our visiting policy. Click here to learn more. General inpatient visiting is from 11:00 am to 8:00 pm daily. Please continue reading below for departmental specific visiting information.

Coming to the hospital can be an overwhelming experience. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the following patient and visitor information.


  • With the current measles activity in our region, we are urging patients to call ahead if they are confirmed to have measles, suspect they have measles, or have been in contact with someone with measles in the past 21 days. Click here to learn more.
  • Click here to learn more about Woodstock Hospital’s Emergency Department.
  • If you are coming to the hospital for an appointment, please bring your Ontario health card, a list of medications (including herbal), and proof of health insurance.
  • We are a scent-free facility. Please refrain from wearing scented products.
  • Bring toiletries if you are staying at the hospital. Do not bring jewelry, credit cards, large amounts of money, or electrical appliances (with exemption of electric razors).
  • For your convenience we have free public Wi-Fi, a cafeteria that includes Tim Hortons, Food Services, Pharmasave, telephone and television services, Spiritual Services, and the newspaper/mail.


  • Please only visit patients if you are feeling well
  • Please wash your hands or use the alcohol-based sanitizer when entering and exiting the hospital
  • Woodstock Hospital is a mask-friendly organization and provides masks for visitors at all entrances
  • Daily visiting hours are 11:00 am to 8:00 pm. Additional consideration may be given to critically ill, palliative, pediatric, long-stay, and labouring patients and other circumstances at the discretion of the clinical care team in consultation with the patient
  • Limit of two (2) visitors per inpatient at a time
  • L500 (Inpatient Mental Health) visiting hours are 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm and 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
  • Emergency, Day Surgery, and other Outpatients are permitted one (1) visitor to accompany them
  • Children under 16 are not permitted to accompany a patient in Diagnostic Imaging or Chemotherapy. Children are also not permitted to visit Critical Care
  • As of March 19th, 2025, Woodstock Hospital has implemented visitor changes for Maternal Child Women’s Health. This is in order to protect our most vulnerable patients from the increasing measles activity in the region. Click here to learn more.
  • We are a scent-free environment. Please avoid using heavily scented products
  • Don’t bring in latex balloons.
  • We are a smoke-free environment. Anyone wishing to smoke must follow outdoor signage indicating where Woodstock Hospital’s property lines are
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