PFAC Terms of Reference


A dynamic partnership of patients, families, caregivers and staff to promote exceptional patient centred care.


To create a true partnership dedicated to the improvement of the patient experience.


PFAC is a committee of patients, family members caregivers and staff who have volunteered to share their experiences and insights to advance patient centred care at Woodstock Hospital (WH). Together they bring a richness based on the diversity of our community, through their age, gender, background, culture and their own patient/family health service experiences.

The work of the PFAC is based on WH values of caring, compassion, accountability, respect and enthusiasm, which provide a foundation for patient centred care.

 Roles and Responsibilities

  • Advise and share information and experiences
  • Provide opinions as they relate to WH programs and services
  • Participate as partners in the planning and operations of specific programs within the mandate of the PFAC
  • Provide feedback on WH patient experience metrics
  • Review and provide feedback on items referred to the PFAC. This may include policies, processes, patient education materials and communication strategies
  • Respond to requests for Patient/Family Advisors to participate on adhoc committees
  • Share stories and personal experiences as appropriate
  • Prepare an annual PFAC report for Quality Council with review of TOR annually
  • Evaluate the performance of the PFAC annually
  • Support patient centred care at WH


To the Quality Council committee.


  • Patient and Family (PF) Advisors (voting)
  • Volunteer Coordinator (voting)
  • Communications and Public Relations Officer (voting)
  • Vice President Patient Care and Chief Nursing Officer (voting)
  • Chief of Staff (ex-officio, non-voting) adhoc
  • Up to four (4) WH staff, appointed by the CNO (non-voting)
  • Other staff may be invited to meetings on an ad hoc basis depending on topic for discussion

Support staff will prepare agenda and minutes.

Appointment of the Patient and Family (PF) Advisors

The term for PF Advisors is two years, renewable for a maximum of three (3) terms or a total of six (6) years. Recruitment will occur in a staggered manner. Recruitment will be done to achieve diversity representative of the population served by WH.


For the first few years, the Chair will be a co-chair model with the CNO and a patient/family member selected by the PFAC.

 Meeting Frequency and Expectations

  • In general, meetings will occur bi-monthly or more frequently at the call of the co-chairs. The committee may determine not to meet during certain periods of the year (i.e. summer).
  • As a practice, meetings will be set to be no longer than two hours long.
  • Attendance at a minimum of 80% of meetings is expected unless extenuating circumstances are discussed with the Chair.
  • Failure to attend three (3) consecutive meetings with no RSVP or explanation to the Chair will be discussed/reviewed by the Chair.

Decision Making

Decisions will be made through consensus whenever possible. If unable to achieve consensus, a majority of 50% plus one, amongst the voting members will be used.


Quorum is 50% plus one, of the voting members.

Review of Terms of Reference

The Terms of Reference will be reviewed annually and approved by the Quality Committee of the Board.

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