Spiritual Care Services

This is a picture of the chapel which is located on the second floor in the hospital. There are a number of chairs set up, as well, you can see some nice stained glass that has been incorporated into the design.


A staff member will contact Switchboard for you to arrange a visit with our On-Call Spiritual Care provider or you can call the main hospital line at 519-421-4211.

Spiritual Care providers are important members of our healthcare team in providing emotional and spiritual care to patients and their families, as well as our staff.

Clergy can draw upon religious tradition, ritual, prayer, scripture, and sacraments to assist persons in meeting their particular needs.  Available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, our spiritual care members will talk with patients and families directly, or help them find a spiritual leader from their own unique faith needs and traditions.

Spiritual Care providers can offer support during challenging healthcare decisions, when experiencing loss and grief, crisis support, end-of-life issues, to connect with and engage a patient’s sense of spirituality or in expressing their personal faith.

Patients are encouraged to communicate directly with their faith group for a visit from their own clergy during times of illness, injury or loss while in the hospital.

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